Release notes - Jazler Software

1.2.21 – 13 May 2024


  • Added an option search for a specific playlist during Insert Playlist in studio
  • Fixed a bug when activated STOP/NEXT & PAUSE, NEXT button was disabled
  • Fixed a bug when break with Start Immediately flag, could not interrupt Asset
  • Fixed a bug when could not remove Jingle after Force clock
  • Fixed a bug when Break with Start Immediately flag having only 1 spot placed in Time Announcement priority could be canceled
  • Fixed a bug when a Force clock contains a specific song, blocked by rules, could canel the whole event
  • Fixed a bug during Rebroadcast with Active Break Sync, could add breaks in time

Weather API (RDS)

  • Updated to use the latest version (3.0) of OpenWeather API. New version needs a valid billing method in OpenWeather’s account. Strongly advised to set a limit on API calls through your account.

Alerts (email)

  • Added an option to send email with custom domain SMTP
  • Fixed a bug not sending email alerts

Copyright Report

  • Fixed a bug when generating copyright report would be prevented by specific date format

Internet Updater

  • Added an option to select SSL secured connection on FTP connections
  • Fixed a bug updating Direct audio files with default message


  • Added 2 new fields, ISRC & ISWC in all audio files

Spots Library

  • In “Edit Spots Breaks”, added options to filter spots list
  • Each client’s account can be edited

Auto Program

  • Fixed a bug when opening the schedule in specific dates would crash the program


  • Fixed a bug on Playlists preview
  • Fixed a bug exporting playlists with wrong filename

1.2.10 – 31 January, 2024


  • Variable length files now keep the same volume of record.
  • NEW FEATURE: Database browser remembers column positions. Right click on RESET to fully reset the browser settings.
  • AirplayHistory.xml did not work in Studio LightWeight mode.
  • Studio Audio Monitor would go out of studio boundaries in low resolutions and user would be unable to close it.
  • If you added or removed a break time in spots settings, the studio would not recognize it until restart. Now it updates even if you change it from a workstation.
  • Fixed issue with wrong broadcast of breaks (breaks of different day would play).


  • When deleting a jingles/sweepers/voicetrack/asset category there was not made proper check.
  • Songs Database: Added a new filter where you can see if there is time-blocking for a song (timeslots).
  • Fixed minor error in Spot Breaks Editor.
  • Fixed issue with commercial breaks load in spots programming.
  • Artists database would not refresh if there was change in station from workstation.


  • New option to enable or disable autovolume of new audio files. This is based on their type.
  • Added verification to check if a playlist was actually saved when making mass playlist imports.
  • Import playlists added new option “Overrides previous playlist”.

Jazler Backup

  • In some cases errors would not be reported, also creating the tempBackup would not work properly because of insufficient permissions.

1.1.60 – 19 September, 2023


  • New auto mode now has better algorithm for compensation songs.
  • Added option for start immediately spots to cut assets.
  • Volume of main playback would not be lowered when pressing instant jingle from 2nd Studio screen (with autogain active).
  • New auto mode was not deleting jingle before a commercial break.
  • Fixed a bug where Asses marked as Variable length was playing shortened


  • Implemented automatic ingestion of new spots for AdMaster.
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